Saturday, December 8, 2012

Journal post

Warning. This is not a deep post.

My mom recently picked up a new camera for our family.. ok ok.. primarily her but she is gracious enough to share. It takes some really nice raw pics so I wanted to share them with you! Plus I needed a break from studying for finals. :)

......and you wonder why we are stressed?
My mom handles the stress so gracefully though...

The usual, "Jacob what are you doing.. you are driving me crazy" glare.

No! No paparazzi! No pictures allowed!

I wasn't joking!!!! NO PICTURES!

Color filter experiments..

As you can imagine.. that donut must not have been that good... :)

...*yummmmmmm* donut.. drifting.. can't come back to earth... I'm long gone in donut heaven...

"Oh mom.. do you have to wear those "Granny" glasses? Just promise us you will never wear them in public."

smile! :)

"Justin... just leave me alone already.."

Yes sir.. we do have fun here!

Thus.. an usual, and unusual evening. :) 



  1. *grins*
    Good ole Jake and Jus, goofy as always. Wish we could see you again - with a donut perhaps?

  2. Oh you love the pictures! You are so funny...why did you have to leave us?!?! You all fit right in to the unusual amounts of goofiness, craziness, and overall atmosphere of Arizona LOL

  3. Yes David.. indeed! Fellowship must be centered around some food relation so why not donuts? :)
    Haha Lisa! Well, we had to share the cheer around, ya know?

  4. Man.... your family sounds really familiar. Kinda like another family I happen to know really well....:)

  5. You can look innocent David but we all know you are guilty. :P Also I think your family is right up there Anna.. :)
